Monday, June 16, 2008


So I don't watch many music videos anymore know, I'm all old and shit, but I was reading these quotes by musicians and Santogold came up and was all, "blah, blah, it's stupid that --" Okay, lemme actually look this thing up...

"It's totally racist. Everyone is just so shocked that I don't like R&B. It's stupid. It's pissing me off."--Santogold

Anyhoooo, that quote was at the beginning of this page with this video down below and as I watched the video it started to look a whole lot like Holy Mountain. And I think it might have referenced the sequence that takes place after his last disciple gets his testicles (yeah...testicles) lopped off. It's when he's got all of his of disciple/soldier/eunuchs and there are crowds of people protesting. It's at the same time completely horrific and hilarious.

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