Friday, April 18, 2008


so Hannibal Rising was probably one of THE worst movies i have ever seen. plus, the company i happened to have didn't make it any better. it was a horrible, horrible movie and an equally bad experience. though, the boy i was with did smell nice and was the primary reason i continued to see him until i decided that our views on the things most important to me were fundamentally at odds with each other.'s a gaspard chaser. boing boing's got unicorns, i think i'll have gaspard. and dammit. i smell like a hippie. fuckin patchouli. i motherfuckin hate patchouli and here's why: i don't like hippies. (generally speaking, i do not, but there are a few odd ducks i absolutely adore but they NEVER smell like hippies.) hippies smell like patchouli. i do NOT like patchouli. fuckin hippies...grumble, grumble, grumble.

and now for that gaspard chaser...

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